"This Closeness": Navigating Urban Intimacy

In a big city, avoiding eye contact is a survival tool. Whether it's staring at the floor, glancing down and to the left, or adopting a thousand-yard stare that looks through whoever is invading your space, these techniques help maintain some level of dignity in crowded places. The characters in “This Closeness” have perfected this art of never looking each other in the eyes. This is partly due to social anxiety but also because this movie captures the essence of New York life.

The Setting and Characters

Set in a cramped apartment, “This Closeness” revolves around the awkward dynamics of an Airbnb-type rental in Philadelphia. A visiting couple, Ben (Zane Pais) and Tessa (Kit Zauhar), find themselves sharing the space with Adam (Ian Edlund), the strange guy who lives there. They use Adam’s dishes, eat at his table, and even watch as he walks through the living room in a towel after showering. Tessa, of course, looks at the floor.

This Closeness Navigating Urban Intimacy

Different Forms of Intimacy

The film explores various forms of intimacy. Ben and Tessa, who are in town for Ben’s high school reunion, have their own couple’s intimacy, though they can be quite mean to each other, knowing exactly what to say to hurt the other. Ben also shares a deep history with his childhood friend Lizzie (Jessie Pinnick), which makes Tessa feel insecure. 

The movie delves into how different types of closeness and distance affect relationships. Sexual intimacy differs from the act of putting someone to bed when they're drunk. Both are vulnerable moments, but only one might change a relationship. “This Closeness” thoughtfully examines these nuances of urban alienation.

 Unique Elements

One standout feature of the film is Tessa’s job as an ASMR YouTuber. There's a fascinating scene where she demonstrates how she uses a microphone to create tingly feelings, showing the near-magical effect of ASMR. The movie uses horror-movie music and rhythmic breathing to enhance this scene, making it slightly surreal.

The Dynamic of the Film

Early on, scenes of Tessa and Ben bickering seem to set up a typical dysfunctional relationship drama. Adam’s apartment is minimalistic, which keeps the focus on dialogue and performances but also highlights any weak spots in the acting. Some interactions, particularly involving Pais, feel slow and awkward. 

However, Edlund’s character, Adam, becomes more complex as the movie progresses. Instead of just being a punchline, Adam is shown to be lonely and unsure how to express his needs, leading him to do desperate, sometimes creepy things. Director Kit Zauhar handles this with empathy, showing that everyone is vulnerable deep down.


“This Closeness” is a thoughtful exploration of different kinds of intimacy and urban isolation. It paints a rich portrait of how people navigate close quarters and personal relationships in a big city. With its unique elements and empathetic storytelling, this film offers a deep look into the complexities of human connections.

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