leave the world behind (2023) Horror movie Review

 "Sam Esmail, the creator of 'Mr. Robot' brings us a gripping post-apocalyptic thriller, 'Leave the World Behind.' The film revolves around a well-off family led by Amanda Sandford (Julia Roberts) and her husband Clay (Ethan Hawke), who find themselves caught up in a world-altering crisis. Amanda, expressing her disdain for people, decides to escape with her family to a luxurious mansion on Long Island for a weekend getaway.

As with many disaster films, 'Leave the World Behind' explores the breakdown of society and the tension that arises when diverse individuals must survive together. However, the film falls short of creating genuine stakes to accompany the chaos.

leave the world behind (2023) Horror movie

The post-apocalyptic genre has become a staple on Netflix during the holiday season, with movies like 'Don’t Look Up,' 'White Noise,' and 'Bird Box.' While 'Leave the World Behind' shares some similarities with these films, it draws more inspiration from Steve De Jarnatt’s 'Miracle Mile.'

Similar to 'Miracle Mile,' Esmail's film unfolds as a conspiracy theory brought to life. The Sandford family's troubles begin with small signs, such as losing cell service on vacation, and escalate when a cargo ship crashes on the beach during their sunbathing. As night falls, a mysterious knock at their door reveals the mansion's owner, G.H. Scott (played by Mahershala Ali), and his daughter Ruth. They have returned due to a city-wide blackout in New York.

Amanda, skeptical and somewhat bigoted, questions the legitimacy of G.H. and Ruth as the owners. Despite evidence of a blackout, Amanda remains unconvinced, adding an element of suspense. On the other hand, G.H. is troubled by events aligning with a proposed government plan, adding a layer of intrigue to the unfolding crisis."

In essence, 'Leave the World Behind' explores the challenges faced by a privileged family as they confront the breakdown of society in a post-apocalyptic scenario, blending elements of conspiracy and suspense.

The tension between the Sandford and Scott families, driven by racial differences, plays a significant role in 'Leave the World Behind.' Julia Roberts' portrayal of Amanda is arguably her most despicable on screen, as she prioritizes the feelings of her white children over Ruth, whose mother is missing. The film hints at Amanda's racism without fully labeling her as such, offering a weak backstory to excuse her selfishness. Amanda's son lacks depth, relying on a one-note joke about 'Friends' for her daughter's identity, but the skilled actors manage to create a sense of dread throughout the film.

Director Sam Esmail's penchant for dynamic camera movements adds excitement to the movie, with long pans, crane shots, and unique compositions illustrating the chaotic events. From powerless planes to weaponized self-driving Teslas, the visuals showcase the absurdity of the premise enjoyably. Even Kevin Bacon makes an appearance as a mysterious off-the-grid character. In a cinematic landscape often dominated by conventional visuals, Esmail and cinematographer Tod Campbell bring a refreshing and playful approach to the table.

However, a significant flaw in 'Leave the World Behind' is its reliance on building tension without delivering on stakes. The film falls short of establishing clear consequences and fails to use onscreen deaths effectively. A well-executed death can bring an emotional impact to the impending apocalypse, but this movie lacks such a moment. As the story unfolds over 141 minutes, the narrative becomes loose and unstable.

While 'Leave the World Behind' captivates with its character-driven elements and strong performances, it falls short of establishing a deep emotional connection. The film seems to withhold human emotion, treating it more like a secret clue than an essential key to engaging the audience."

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