Arthur’s Whisky (2024) Movie Review

 Just ten minutes into 'Arthur's Whisky,' and you already get the gist. Three old female friends stumble upon a magical elixir that turns back the clock, making them young again. It's a classic storyline - people getting a chance to relive their youth and embrace a time when everything felt possible. The twist here is that they discover this rejuvenating power in the form of a whisky.

Arthur’s Whisky (2024) Movie Review

The ladies decide to escape their mundane lives and try out every opportunity that comes their way. Of course, this includes exploring romantic and sexual adventures. But the film has more layers to it.

Finds a potion to rewind his youth, leaving his wife, Joan, behind with sympathetic stares. Joan's friends, Linda and Susan, refuse to see her as just Arthur's wife. They don't want her to become a cliché, drowning in sorrow as others might expect. So, they stumble upon the whisky, take a sip, and wake up the next morning to a surprising transformation – suddenly much younger.

As mentioned earlier, the ladies in 'Arthur's Whisky' do what you'd expect. They venture out to relive their 20s, but things have changed a lot since then. The younger crowd introduces them to new coffee blends, fashion, and a different way of speaking. It's not just about words; it's about their whole demeanor – more confidence and agency than these women had in their youth. So, the process becomes a bit like unlearning old habits.

These women reflect on love and whether it still brings the richness to life they once thought. Their self-discovery isn't without the fun and excitement of being in these somewhat familiar but different bodies. It's like trying on someone else's skin, experiencing a kind of rebirth. Having talented actresses in the lead helps bring out the nuances of this journey.

Despite the predictable plot, 'Arthur's Whisky' has a surprisingly charming quality. One reason is the shift from the classic romantic comedies where women often tolerated troubled men. Diane Keaton, who starred in one of those classics, now plays a character realizing the importance of radical self-acceptance. Regardless of health conditions or limitations, she faces them without shame. The film doesn't portray it as an act of bravery but as a natural part of life. This sincerity gives the film a more genuine feel compared to overly sentimental stories.

While 'Arthur's Whisky' isn't entirely devoid of sentiment, it doesn't drown in it either. The movie has conversations about age and gender that can get a bit sentimental, and it finds humor in moments when the characters feel out of touch with reality. It's not just about these older women becoming young again; it's also about their younger selves trying to avoid falling back into old habits.

The humor in the film doesn't mock the characters but marvels at the changes around them. These women fall in love with the way things have evolved, accepting both the physical and emotional changes within themselves. They bravely share parts of themselves they were once afraid to reveal, expressing desires without judgment, whether it's wanting to be desired by someone younger or of the same gender.

'Arthur's Whisky' operates like a kind of Bucket List, but with a unique twist – the characters aren't rushing to do things because time is running out. Instead, they savor their present lives without the fear of an impending crisis. The film feels light-hearted and genuine, even when it works with clichés.

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