Roxana (2023) movie review

Meet Fred, a 23-year-old guy without a job, living with his mom who's struggling with memory issues. His main pastime includes hanging out with his only friend, Mansour, or trying his luck at an underground snooker place. Then there's Roxana, a young photographer who appears to have her life together, despite a recent setback of having her handbag, including a crucial work disc, stolen.

Roxana (2023) movie review

When Fred crosses paths with Roxana, he's instantly smitten and decides to help her out. This act of kindness leads to Roxana hiring him as her assistant. However, their collaboration hits a snag when one of the services she offers involves bringing alcohol to events, causing their first major problem. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that this isn't the only issue they'll face. Meanwhile, Mansour gets closer to Roxana's cousin.

Parviz Shahbazi delivers a film that teeters between romantic comedy and fable, focusing on Iran's various aspects. The best movie sheds light on Fred's mother's treatment, the functioning of the police and judicial system, youth employment, economic sanctions, illegal betting, marriage, and other critical elements of the Iranian system. Roxana, acting as a magnet for disaster, becomes a femme fatale for Fred, who is ready to sacrifice for his feelings, even though she doesn't reciprocate equally.

Roxana (2023) movie review

Despite potential for melodrama, Shahbazi maintains humor throughout the movie. Fred's interactions with the police and his relationship with Mansour provide entertaining moments. Yasna Mirtahmasb's deadpan humor as Fred stands out, supported by Rambod Motalebi as Mansour and the captivating Mahsa Akbarabadi as Roxana.

The film's realistic portrayal, captured by DP Pouya Shahbazi, adds a documentary-like touch. However, the climax takes an intense and disconnected turn, attempting a shocking twist that doesn't quite fit the overall tone. The pacing, on the other hand, works well for the episodic approach.

Roxana (2023) movie review

"Roxana" has its merits, especially in its commentary and performances. However, the problematic ending diminishes its impact, making it an entertaining but possibly forgettable watch.

Roxana Movie 

  • Rating: 6.4/10

  • Director: Parviz Shahbazi

  • Writer: Parviz Shahbazi

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