hellraiser (2022 film) reviews

hellraiser film reviews: Hellraiser is a well-known classic, but recent attempts to give it a new twist haven't been the best choice. In my opinion, one big reason is that Clive Barker's original material, which worked so well in the 1987 adaptation, is hard to match. Only Barker knew what to keep and what to leave out from his novel.

hellraiser 2022 film reviews

Now, in David Bruckner's 2022 version, things take a turn. Instead of just redoing the same movie, he collaborates with his own team of writers to create a modern take on the story. It's not an easy task, and he tries his best. However, the result is just an okay horror film that probably won't stick in your memory for long. [hellraiser film reviews]


The 2022 version doesn't offer much to delve into. Someone who can't control herself gets hold of a device, and her brother pays the price when he gets killed in an accident involving it. Riley, the main character, starts looking into the mysterious device and uncovers its dark history. Basically, it's an upgraded version of something called the Lament Configuration.

Hellraiser  IS THERE MORE?

Usually, a character's journey in a movie should feel natural, like it often does in Bruckner's films. However, in Hellraiser, the story seems focused only on reaching a final destination, making the journey quite dull. We're supposed to follow a girl dealing with emotional struggles, but she comes off more like a spoiled teenager with some issues.

The last part of Hellraiser is really long, but it's impressive to look at and listen to. This is the part fans eagerly anticipate and finally get when a director decides to showcase a lot. [hellraiser film reviews]

The Cenobites are the cool part of this movie, and they're pretty much the only reason to give it a shot. Sadly, you'll have to sit through a boring film where the main character is hard to cheer for, and it's not very exciting. But hey, it's not the worst out there. Plus, the story, even though you have to pay attention, is kind of interesting.

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