ETERNAL CODE FILM REVIEW: Harvey Wallen, a fairly new filmmaker, decided to pursue his passion for making films. Over the past two years, he's created original stories and taken on lead roles, supported by a dedicated crew who believe in his vision. Wallen has mainly focused on independent horror, exploring various subgenres and collaborating with B-movie legends to enhance his films. As enthusiasts of indie cinema, we understand the specific requirements, acceptability, and purpose of this genre.


His most recent work, "Eternal Code," marks a shift into the thriller genre. Wallen keeps things simple, avoiding unnecessary genre elements or risky nods to science fiction. Instead, he opts for a conservative approach, shooting in small set pieces and, most importantly, ensuring a complete and compelling story—a feat challenging in independent film production.

The film revolves around corporate corruption and greed as two company executives clash over the next big move. On one side, there's an ambitious CEO eager to discard moral constraints for profit. On the other, a morally-driven businesswoman follows her father's ethical path, obstructing the deal. The "bad guy" employs ruthless tactics—kidnapping, murder, and unethical technologies—to achieve his vision. A war veteran emerges to thwart his ruthless pursuit. [ETERNAL CODE FILM REVIEW]

The first half of "Eternal Code" exudes optimism, with Wallen's introduction to settings and characters being vanilla yet captivating. However, the film takes a unique turn, deviating from the typical thriller spirit. Unlike other thrillers, it avoids excessive action scenes with flying bullets, adopting a more contemplative tone. This approach aligns well with the constraints of an indie budget and production values, earning the film praise in the genre. [ETERNAL CODE FILM REVIEW]

Wallen, comfortable in his role as a writer/director, includes familiar faces like Richard Tyson, Billy Wirth, and Scout Taylor-Compton. However, he wisely avoids overusing them to boost the film, recognizing his limits. While attempting a thriller, Wallen acknowledges that he still has much to learn. Nevertheless, he remains among the brave filmmakers in the indie scene, fearlessly pursuing ideas to execution without fearing scrutiny.



  • Rating: 6.2/10

  • Director: 

  • Writer:

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